Bob E.J.H. Becking
Webpage: https://uu.academia.edu/BobBecking
Formerly Utrecht University
Bob E.J.H. Becking was one of the coordinators of the KLY project. In 1998 the Dutch-Flemish society for Old Testament study (Oudtestamentisch Wergezelschap) began this ambitious project to elucidate the lexemes for utensils in biblical Hebrew. The title KLY is the transcription of the Hebrew noun כְּלִי, which means ‘utensil’, ‘vessel’, etc. Johannes de Moor and Bob Becking were appointed as editors of what initially was conceived as volume 50 in the series Oudtestamentische Studiën (OTS). Since the project appeared to be too time-consuming for the authors and editors, the projected volume did not appear. In 2017 the KLY project was integrated into the SAHD project.