אַרְגְּוָן ʾargwān – bright, rich red purple
Semantic Fields:
John E. Hartley
First published: 2024-10-10
Citation: John E. Hartley, אַרְגְּוָן ʾargwān – bright, rich red purple,
Semantics of Ancient Hebrew Database (sahd-online.com), 2024
Grammatical Type: Aramaic noun
Occurrences: 1x HB (0/0/1); 0x Sir; 0x Qum; 0x inscr. (Total: 1).
- Ketubim: 2 Chron 2:6.
אַרְגְּוָן, an Aram. spelling of אַרְגָּמָן, has the same meaning as the Heb. word, ‘a bright, deep red purple’. It is used in a LBH text and in BAram. (Dan 5:7, 16, 29).
For this entry, see further John E. Hartley, The Semantics of Ancient Hebrew Colour Lexemes (2010), 204-06 (Printed publications).